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Criminal Justice Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Subordinate Legislation

Police Pensions (Remediable Service) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/239)

Firefighters’ Pensions (Remediable Service) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/242)

The Convener

Our next agenda item is consideration of two negative instruments. I refer members to paper 4.

Under section 28(2) of the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, instruments subject to the negative procedure must be laid at least 28 days before they come into force. Those instruments breached that requirement as they were laid on 30 August and came into force on 1 October 2023. The Scottish Public Pensions Agency has explained the reasons for the breach in a letter to the Presiding Officer, which is among the committee’s papers. Those explanations seem reasonable to me.

No members have any questions. Are we content with both instruments?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

That concludes our business in public.

The committee’s next meeting will be on 25 October, when we will continue with evidence taking on the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill. We will hear from organisations representing the legal profession and a former Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales. The session will again focus on parts 1 to 3 of the bill, and we will come back to the views of the legal profession and others on parts 4 to 6 later in the year.

12:41 Meeting continued in private until 13:01.